Mokara orchids are manmade orchids that can’t be found in nature. This group of orchids were created by cross breeding orchids of the genera Ascocentrum, Arachnis and Vanda. Different Mokara orchids where created using different species within these genera. The first Mokara orchid was presented to the world in Singapore in 1969. Since then countless other types have been developed.
Mokara orchid – by Drew Avery
Mokara orchids are hardy and easy to care for. They make ideal beginner orchids as they are very forgiving. Some species of Mokara orchids are incredible hardy and quick growing. Enough so to make them seem more like they would be weeds than they would be an orchid. When they flower, which they do a lot, there is however no doubt about them being orchids as they will lavish you with a lot of stunning flowers in bright colors.
Mokara orchids are often kept as garden plants in warmer and tropical climates.
Mokara orchids have one distinct growth period and one period when they rest. During the rest they should only be given enough water to prevent the leaves from drying out. Some Mokara species do not need to rest if given water and nutrient all year long. These species will flower at any time of the year regardless of whether they are given a resting period or not.
During the growth period they should be kept moist but not wet. They should never stand in water. Thwaw orchids are best watered every morning with room temperature water. Remove any water that is standing on the tray after five minutes. During very hot days it is best to water these orchids several times a day.
Mokara orchids appreciate some extra nutrients during the growth period that stretches from spring to fall. It is usually good to fertilize them from March to September. They prefer a diluted solution of water and orchid fertilizer. Dilute the orchid fertilizer to 50% of the recommended strength. Most Mokara orchids should be fertilized about once a month.
The very fast growing species does best with a weakly dose of fertilizer. They also appreciate a considerable stronger nutrient solution than the rest of the Mokara species. Fast growing Mokara orchids often prefer that you mix the fertilizer to 200% of the recommended strength or you can just use regular flower fertilizer designed for other types of flowers.
Most Mokara orchids do well in regular indoors temperatures and no special care needs to be taken in regards to temperature if you keep them in an apartment or house.
Mokara orchids does best in an east, west location where they get full sun part of the day. East is usually the ideal location as that will give them the morning sun. Avoid putting them in as unshaded southern position as that will burn the leaves.
Some Mokara species grow very quickly and can need to be replanted once or even several time a year. Some plants can start the year in a 4 inch pot and have completely covered and outgrown a 15 inch pot within a year. They are best replanted once the flowering season is over. However since some Mokara orchids always are flowering you might be forced to repot them while flowering.
Most Mokara orchids will however grow considerable slower and these are best repotted every 2-3 years.
Before buying a Mokara orchid you should make sure to look at the roots and the leaves of the plant. They will tell you if the plant is healthy. The roots should be in good condition with crisp ends. If there are many rotten or broken roots you do best in avoiding that plant. The leaves should have a nice green color and be without damages or spots. They can of the be reared back into to health so if they only have one of the type you want to buy you might want to buy it even if the Mokara orchid in question is in less than ideal condition.